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1,601 Available Mazda 2 cars similar to this one

General Information

Accounting for several elements, the UK Reliability Index collates the data sourced from millions of pounds worth of insurance claims that are made by motorists every year. It considers: the inconvenience for the driver, the price and the rate of failure and provides you with a good overview of vehicles that are currently on the road. The Mazda 2 is among the top 20 rated for reliability and this dealer has this second hand Mazda 1.5 Skyactiv-g Se-l Nav Hatchback available to buy priced at only £. It's a great price for this particular model, even more so if you take into account that it is less likely to leave you with an extra bill for repairs. You will get peace of mind knowing that it has an outstanding track record for its reliability and you'll also get a range of helpful features: You dont need to pay £ straight away. Get this used car as soon as you can on finance starting at around £ every month without a deposit.

*This general information is generated using AI to help you and are for demonstrative purposes only.