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10,389 Available Ford Fiesta cars similar to this one

General Information

Analysing several points, the Reliability Index collates data made up of the large number of insurance claims which are made by drivers every year. It looks at: the rate of failure, cost and inconvenience caused and gives you a comprehensive overview of vehicles that are on the UK's roads today. The Ford Fiesta is among those rated in the top 20 for reliability and at this dealer you can buy this second hand 1.2 Zetec 81 Bhp for just £. It's a great price for this model and it's even better if you take into account that it's less likely to leave you with a bill for repairs. This very trustworthy and dependable Ford provides its driver with a large quantity of features: Our expert sales department is readily available to assist you at our dealership in Denton. Call or email as soon as you can to get further information, request a test drive or if you'd just like  some help in deciding which models are best for you.

*This general information is generated using AI to help you and are for demonstrative purposes only.