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10,389 Available Ford Fiesta cars similar to this one

General Information

The Reliability Index figure accounts for - inconvenience, rate of failure and price. It is made up of data that has been collected from the number of claims that are made by motorists every year and provides motorists with a comprehensive overview of cars on the road today. The Ford Fiesta is in the top twenty of the Reliability Index and this dealer has this second hand model in stock for just £. It's already a really good deal for this model and even better when you take into account that it's less likely to need extra trips to the mechanic. Featured on the top 10 list of the United Kingdom's most bought cars of 2017 - this Ford includes a large range of helpful features:  At the bargain price of just £ this  that is rated as one of the most trustworthy motors on the market may not be for sale for long. Don't miss out on this incredible offer, call, email or make a trip to our dealership in Nottingham to talk to a member of our team and get more information.

*This general information is generated using AI to help you and are for demonstrative purposes only.